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CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2020 – Detailed Review

Now more faster, with more AI Technology and added collaboration

CorelDraw is one of the most popular vector graphic designing software developed by Corel Corporation. In the market dominated by Adobe Illustrator, it is arguably the best alternative courtesy of its price tag. The latest version, Graphics Suite 2020, lives up to the expectation with more AI and a faster interface.

The company seems to move toward productivity instead of automatic designs this year. You can now expect a more clean and detailed design after spending a little more time on PowerTRACE.

Apart from this, here are some more features of the new CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2020 along with its cons.

What is CorelDraw?

As mentioned above, CorelDraw is a vector designing software used for editing graphics with a plethora of features. The first version was released in 1989 by Corel Corporation for Windows 2.x OS. It is available for Mac as well, though, it was discontinued for the platform from 2001 to 2019.

You can use it to create illustrations, logos, signage, and other content that requires vector graphics. The software is generally used in the marketing and advertising industry to create images or edit them. It comes with seven main applications that cover all the major use of it, from website design to font management.

CorelDraw supports some widely used applications and plug-ins in the field of graphic creator. Duplexing Wizard, BenVISTA PhotoZoom Pro 4, WhatTheFont, and Microsoft Visual Studio Tools are some notable names. Therefore, the software suite provides seamless interaction with the most popular tools to increase productivity.

The CorelDraw is indeed a feature-rich suite that comes with many pros and some cons as well.

Pros of CorelDRAW

The list of pros starts with the enormous inbuilt library of content. The Suite includes over 2,000 vehicle templates, 350 professionally designed templates, and 10,000 digital images and clipart. The illustration and image editing is compelling, with no sign of lag.

The arrival of AI and machine learning in the software has minimized the trouble of designers. You can now use the ML for photo enhancement, power tracing, and art-effect tools. The basic operations that required immense focus are now performed with near perfection because of machine learning.

Users can now share the file to a different platform with the return of the software on the Mac platform. This is a significant development since cross-platform support is now an industry standard.

Consof CorelDRAW

AI and machine learning are used in the program to ensure the designers spend less time on each task. However, it also takes away the control of minor fixes while using many tools. Separate applications also take a lot of space on the system, making the suite resource hungry.

  • The collaboration feature is not designed for seamless interaction.
  • You must have a Corel account even to add a comment.
  • The guest login requires OTP verification.
  • You cannot use an id that was once a member of Corel subscription for guest login.

Features of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020

As mentioned above, the ML-powered tools are the key attraction when it comes to the features. You don’t have to spend hours on drawing as the PowerTRACE, and other tools take care of the detailed tracing. PHOTO-PAINT is the bundled upsampling tool that uses machine learning for illustration and photorealistic modes.

You can now work with depts, shadows, and most importantly, variable fonts. The new features also include AI-powered bitmaps to vectors conversion. AI is also used to add effects to vectors and bitmaps.

Another notable introduction is cross-platform collaboration. The software suite is now available on Mac, iPad, and Windows. Users can share the link to the file and make changes to the original file or add some comment to it.

What’s Included in Coreldraw Graphics Suite 2020

Main Applications in Coreldraw Suite 2020

  • CorelDRAW 2020 – Vector illustration and page layout
  • Corel PHOTO-PAINT 2020 – Image editing and pixel-based design software
  • PowerTRACE – AI-powered bitmap-to-vector tracing (included as part of the CorelDRAW application)
  • Corel Font Manager 2020 – Font exploration and management tool
  • – Online vector illustration and graphic design via web browser
  • CAPTURE – Screen capture software (only available in Windows version)
  • AfterShot 3 HDR – RAW photo editor

Extra GiveawaysÂ

  • 7,000 digital images, clipart, and vehicle wrap templates
  • Over 1,000 TrueType and OpenType fonts
  • 1,000 high-resolution digital photos
  • 150 professionally designed templates
  • Over 600 fountain, vector and bitmap fills

CorelDRAW Pricing

You can use CorelDraw on a yearly subscription basis or a perpetual license based on your budget and requirements. The perpetual license will cost you ₹ 63,000 only one time. At the same time, the annual subscription comes at ₹ 28,000.

Product (SKU)TermsPrice
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020 Single User Business License including 1 Year CorelSure MaintenancePerpetual - WIN/MAC₹ 63,000 + 18% GST
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020 Enterprise License - includes 1 year CorelSure Maintenance (3 Pack)Perpetual - WIN/MAC₹ 1,28,000 + 18% GST
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020 Single User License 365 days subscriptionYearly Subscription - WIN/MAC₹ 28,000 + 18% GST

How to Buy CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020

Purchasing the license or subscription doesn’t involve a complicated process with the CorelDraw. You can visit their site and use your internet banking or credit card credentials to make the purchase. The subscription model comes with annual payments that will be deducted directly from the account.

If you looking to buy Coreldraw Online, look nowhere else and contact Coreldraw Reseller – Wroffy Technologies. The company offers special deals and discounts on CorelDRAW now and then on their website that you can check. For freelancers starting their career in graphic designing , the CorelDRAW subscription model is recommended. You can also purchase each tool separately from the suite. You can also try Coreldraw free trial for 30 days.


To sum up, CorelDraw Graphic Suite is an all-round tool for vector designing and image editing. The increased use of AI and machine learning has the potential to transform graphics designing completely. However, the collaboration features need some updates to streamline the process.


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Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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