
Five Things You Can Do With a Dedicated Server

There are a plethora of web hosting options available these days. Having said so, it could be difficult to determine the one best for you.

But no matter which server you start with, you will end up hosting your website on a dedicated server at some point. We say so under the presumption that your website will ultimately outgrow shared servers and VPS.

If you need flexibility and control, dedicated servers are but unavoidable.

Read More: List of Top Web Hosting provider for your website in 2020

Dedicated server hosting is a clear cut choice when your business may be a constantly growing one. Dedicated server hosting is the term given to the hosting packages that provide dedicated services to one company and its application. But allow us to first get a deeper insight into what’s a dedicated server. A dedicated server hosting plan brings out the simplest results. Many of them find it expensive but the results represent themselves. In no time your business will start receiving the profit also as improved traffic in terms of end-users. The additional costs incurred will no more appear as if paying through the nose as improvement within the revenue generated can pay for itself. A dedicated server gives you complete charge of your site’s security. So, you’ll optimize the features of your server to satisfy the precise requirements of your website.

When we talk of hosting, most of us only think of websites. There are, however, other things that you can do with your server.

The list is endless, so we have compiled the most important ones that we thought were worth noting.

  • Optimizing Games

Gamers enjoy dedicated hosting the most because it drastically improves the online gaming experience. Minecraft and CS (counterstrike) are among the most hosted games.

Hosting games on a dedicated server improves speed, reduces latency and lag, and provides greater control over the game.

If you are serious about online multiplayer gaming and long for ultimate performance, dedicated servers might be your thing.

  • Host Company Email

Most companies host their emails on third-party servers despite having their own dedicated hosting.

Email hosting works fine on every server, although dedicated email hosting would give you more control. You can set a limit on the size of attachments and have a super admin to monitor all email accounts.

Email hosted on dedicated servers is also more secure. You can easily tweak with privacy policies and configure advanced firewalls and antivirus systems, especially while dealing with user-sensitive data.

  • Create a VPN

You can set up a virtual private network for better security and privacy on your current network.

A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts data sent from your computer, thereby protecting it from unwanted interruptions.

Both businesses and individuals can benefit from virtual private networks. For individuals, a VPN can unlock access to sites that are barred due to local privacy policies.

For businesses, on the other hand, VPNs can help safeguard against threats that could jeopardize data security.

  • Back-Up Your Data

If there’s enough space on your dedicated server, you can utilize that to backup files on your local machine.

Having a backup is important, especially if you are running websites from where you generate income. We cannot emphasize how important backups are for a business.

Read More: Top Benefits of Using a VPS Server Hosting for Your Business

Having a backup of your files is crucial for online success. Imagine what might happen if your website comes under an attack.

Without a backup, your site may never be able to recover and you’d need to start from scratch again.

You can leverage your existing dedicated hosting solution and create a secure space for backing up all the important files.

  • Synchronization

Much like the cloud, you can upload files to a dedicated server and access them from configured devices.

But, to be able to do so, you need a cloud delivery network along with your dedicated hosting.

You can also configure a virtual private network for secure file transfer protocols on your server for this you can find Cheap VPS Hosting India. This way you can store all the files in one place and still be able to access them via secured lines.

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Written by Kanwar Preet kaur

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