
Launch Message App Like Telegram to Be Billion-dollar Business

Humans are social animals living as a community conversing with fellow people and expressing themselves by communication. In recent times, people turn towards online rather than traditional communication due to its flexibility and easy access. The appearance of smartphones and the subsequent explosion of mobile apps, messaging apps with features such as group chats, exchange of video and audio messages have proven themselves to be an efficient alternative to operator-based text messaging via SMS. Instant messaging is a kind of online chat offering real-time communication via the internet. The Telegram clone app is an instant messaging app solution that serves as an intermediary connecting people from far away lands.

Why Is It Worth Launching An Instant Messaging App Like Telegram?

The instant messaging concept started to grow popular during the mid-1990s enabling people to connect in real-time. However, it was used to be a tool filled with words, but now App like Telegram has become a platform providing multi-media compatibility like images, videos, GIFs, and what not! According to research, Telegram has reached 400 million monthly users, up from 300 million users a year ago. And on average, every day atleast 1.5million new users sign up for Telegram. The signs of domination of the instant messaging app in the communication market are the evidence that investing in messaging app development will be a wiser choice.

Speaking about investing, you can have a deep insight into why it’s worth investing in a Telegram clone script?

Quick Delivery: The message algorithm of the Telegram clone is built in such a way to deliver the messages in a wink.

High encryption of messages: The messages sent via the app platform are end-end encrypted, providing safety and security of users’ data.

Impressive features: With the readymade app clone script, you can customize your app with impressive features such as chat themes, Video calls, Delivery Notes, Push Notifications, Group Chats, etc. offering a seamless experience to your users

No age restriction: Unlike some social media apps, the Telegram clone app allows anyone and everyone to use the application.

What is the development cost of the app?

The development cost cannot be put accurately because it depends on several factors. Changes are required in industries to keep up with the trends that automatically accelerates costs if you want to have more advanced feature in your app. Besides, the cost also depends on the app platform you’re launching, i.e., Android or iOS, and the developer’s time and efforts.

Considering This,

Launch Message App Like Telegram, whick makes your instant messaging platform by more reliable by partnering with TurnkeyTown app development company. We work to give you the best solution possible!

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