
Powerful Research Tools For Students – Save More Time

Free Research Tools For Students

Research is a skill that every student must learn. During your college days, you will come across many different kinds of academic documents. To do exceptionally well while writing a research paper, dissertation, essay, or coursework, you need to conduct good quality research. If you look at the list of research tools for students then the list goes on and on but not all tools are good and only a few stand out. The more reliable the research tool the better will be the quality of your work.

6 Must-Know Research Tools For Students

Here are our editors pick for research tools that student can use to conduct thorough research:

1. Google Scholar

An academic search system By Google, this tool focuses on showing scientific based articles and papers. You can find a lot of academic materials in different languages that can help you develop your coursework or dissertation, etc. Most scholars, doctorates, and other academicians prefer this tool.

2. Online Library/Public Library

Students can always search public libraries as they have a huge bundle of information. But you must have enough time to go for this option. Another tool for research is an online library. The online library is much easier to search if you know what you are looking for. The online library can be accessed from anywhere or any device.

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3. Todoist

If you are easily distracted while writing then this tool will help you focus. The design is minimal and helps you concentrate. It’s distraction-free and keeps you away from any Internet clutter. It comes with a variety of features such as

  • Accessibility (you can access your work from any device),
  • Share feature (if more than one person is working on an academic document then all can share the saved work),
  • Reminders (you can set up reminders for your work or tasks)
  • Filters (for better management)

Thus, with the help of this tool, you can save your time and build your work quickly.

4. RefWorks

If you are looking for a tool that can aid in both research and organization of your research results then Refworks is the best. Using this you can find all the necessary resources and put everything together. In case you are working on a paper with a team you can also share the information with them.

5. DeepDyve

Most online tools do not allow you to view the complete information resource. This means you need to pay before you can have a complete look. DeepDyve solves this problem. It allows you to have a look at the complete abstract and let you know if it’s relevant or not. It has organization features too that stores all the research. The tool comes with a free trial and if you think it suits your requirement then you can take the monthly or annual subscription.

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6. EndNote

This tool is popular among students and is highly recommended by Texas A&M University. It helps you find the right information online in different databases. You can also put in the abstract to find a complete resource. This multi-functional tool also helps you save your research. You can save a great number of documents. Students who seek essay help can also use this tool to make notes. It automatically saves the research link and develops a bibliography for your research paper. Students mostly lack organization and this tool helps solve it.


Sometimes the time crunch doesn’t allow the students to explore tools to do their research work. Mostly up against the wall, students find the top three searches they get online last minute and combine it with different other sources to submit their work. The essential tools can offer great resources for literature and therefore students can refer to some of the above-given tools.

But if you as a student feel that you don’t have enough time to go through different tools and conduct your research then you can contact writing my essay. We have expert writers who have access to all the tools and knowledge pre-hand and are capable of submitting high-quality work in a short turn around time. Our writers have worked and delivered hundreds of projects by now and we are proud to have a long list of happy clients. So go ahead and contact essay writing services UK and share your query in detail.


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Written by Devon Brown

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