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Saivian Eric Dalius explains some effective marketing techniques for small businesses

marketing techniques

Products do not sell on their own just because of their superior quality.  It needs proper marketing support to drive people towards the products so that they take an interest in them and find enough reasons to buy them. Good marketing is the backbone of any business because no sales can happen unless a proper marketing strategy is used to sell the products. Likewise, small businesses must do some marketing to stay visible and stand out from the crowd, advises Eric says Marketing is all about promoting the products and services to grab all attention. Consumers understand the value they can derive by availing of the services or buying the products.

Marketing does not always involve heavy investment if done with some thought and purpose. Small businesses can develop effective marketing strategies to increase brand awareness, generate trust, and gain new customers by driving more traffic to the website and the store.

Here are the ways to implement an effective marketing strategy.

Have measurable goals, advisesSaivian Eric Dalius

 Be clear about what you want to achieve through marketing to realize the business goals. Align your marketing goals with the business goals but set only specific  goals that are measureable so that you can monitor how much you achieve over a specified time.  Most importantly, the goals can be lofty but should be attainable, or else it can be frustrating. The goals must be realistic too so that each achievement motivates people to achieve higher. Define a timeline for accomplishing the tasks so that you can maintain the pace of progress.

Know the market

Be specific about the part of the market you want to target to reach the place where you will find the largest section of your customers.  Research the market based on age, location, gender, and other criteria to define the demographic map of the market section where you want to operate to maximize the efficiencies.

Emphasize your social media presence

 Create business accounts on various social media channels to stay in close touch with the target audience group. Be active on social media to make your presence felt and establish your authority in the field you operate in so that people look upon you as an authentic entity capable of meeting their expectations. Choose the social media channels by considering those where you will find most of your audience.

Participate in networking events

Spreading word of mouth is still important. To maintain a physical connection with the audience, participate in trade fairs and other industrial events, which help network with other professionals and industry peers.  Use the opportunity to improve networking instead of trying to sell the products. Emphasize showcasing your business so that people get easily involved.

Staying consistent with your marketing message is critical for generating trust in the brand and building a brand image that customers can quickly identify. Maintain the same tone for all marketing communication to become the brand’s voice, and the mere mention of any of its features will help consumers recollect the brand immediately.

What do you think?

Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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