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Do VPNs Actually Protect Your Privacy

VPN is used by lots of people to secure online activities. It helps to mask your online work which is done through the internet. But do VPNs actually protect your privacy? Is it fully safe for you? Does a VPN really hide your identity? Does VPN hide browsing history from the routers? All these questions come to mind before the purchase of any virtual private network software. So in this article, you can get all the solutions to these issues which we have discussed above.

How VPN is useful to give you security?

A virtual private network software keeps privacy on your online work in two ways.

When you search or browse anything with the help of the internet. Then it encrypts your traffic of the device and only the server or you can decrypt this. This encryption feature work as coding which means code can be only decrypted or understand by the receiver or you.

And the other way to hide identity to secure your work which is done on the internet with the help of a VPN. VPN software has many servers located in different countries. Your device contains the unique IP address in the format of (334.67.222.222). When a user connects VPN with the server of another country of the VPN then, it switches your IP with that country. And when you search on any site then it doe not show your real IP address to the web owner.

Beneficial privacy features of VPN

VPN should not contain the logs so your browsing history cannot be store for the misuse of the data. Kill switch features helps the users to provide double protection to your information. Encrypt your traffic to secure the data that you have stored in your device. Vpn should not leak your information and easy to hide Switch the address. And you can see almost all these features in VPN companies like RusVPN and KeepSolid VPN. Both these software are useful to protect you even when you are using public Wi-fi.

But these are costly too, so you can also apply for the KeepSolid promo code and RusVPN discount code. RusVPN also offers special discount up to 20% for the student between the age of 16-26.

Does a VPN really hide your identity?

Yes, a virtual private network is helpful to hide your original identity from cyber threats. But the free version of the VPN is not as secure as the paid version of the virtual private network. VPN is used to keep privacy but some of the VPN companies can leak your information also. So before buying any security software, read the review of the VPN companies and watch the news also.

Is VPN safe for you?

Not all VPN companies provide full privacy to you when you are connected to the internet. Few of them store your history and sell it to a third party in return for a high amount. But you can analyze the privacy level of any VPN software company by the features provided by them.

Can you be tracked if you use VPN

It is hard to track your location because you are using another countries IP with the help of a VPN. So, when you feel that your information is going to be tracked then immediately switch the IP address. Only your ISP(Internet Service Provider) can know your real IP(Internet Protocol) address.

Should you leave VPN all the time?

Yes, you can leave a virtual private network on all the time. It is because sometimes users forget to connect to the VPN and information gets a leak. But it has drawbacks too. It can drain the battey of the device rapidly and affects on the internet data also. So, it depends on you whether you want to leave the VPN on or only connect when in use.

Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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