
How to quickly Split PDF Files into Multiple PDF on Mac System

Split PDF Files into Multiple PDF

PDF is an open-source and most widely used file format among users. It is also called a Portable Document Format that stores and presents the documents electronically. PDF files are platform-independent and enable the users to easily access them on any Mac device. It privileges a feature to store, share and view text, images, audio, video, and many more files.

PDF files are used to exchange electronic documents over any Mac device that can be easily managed and printed. If you have multiple pages in a single PDF file that is too large. Then it becomes difficult to manage those large-sized PDF files. In order to make the workflow easy, you have to split PDF files into smaller ones. It is not an easy task to break a large PDF file into a small PDF without proper guidance.

If you are searching for an effective and efficient solution then this post will help you well. In this article, we are going to discuss the possible methods to divide PDF into multiple PDFs. Before we proceed to next, let’s discuss some reasons due to which users are required to split the PDF files.

Why do we need to Split large PDFs into smaller PDFs on Mac?

In any company or organization, data is stored on a very large scale in PDF format. Then it becomes difficult to maintain large or oversized Mac PDF files. Handling the big PDF files is a messy and very typical task. The only option is left to split PDF files into smaller PDFs which facilitate a smooth workflow.

Moreover, there are various reasons listed below for which users need to separate large PDF into multiple files on Mac,

  • If the large PDF files are divided into small PDFs then it becomes easy to scan, share, and print them.
  • It is easy to upload and download small-sized PDF files without any inconvenience.
  • To prevent unauthorized access of confidential information and encrypt them with the password.
  • You can easily create a safe backup of PDF files on Mac without any hassle.
  • It becomes easy to store and handle when we break large PDF into smaller files.

Above we have discussed all the possible factors that enable the users to split PDF files into multiple files. So now, let’s talk about the possible methods that can be applied to divide large PDF files.

How to split a PDF into individual pages manually on Mac?

There are various websites that offer splitting of large PDF files into multiple files online. But it is not a wise and safe solution to adopt, it may result in loss of data or corruption.

All the Mac Operating System has an inbuilt PDF viewer application called Preview. It is a Mac default application that can be used to split large PDF files.

Let’s perform the mentioned steps accordingly to split PDF files into various small files on Mac,

  • Select the PDF file that you want to split and openwith Preview.
  • Click on the View menu located at the top left of the application.
  • Select the Thumbnails option from the View drop-down list.
  • Now, you have to drag and drop each selected PDF file to your desktop.
  • It copies the selected PDF page from preview to the new PDF file on your Mac system.

Breaking down large PDF files into multiple PDFs can be easily done on Mac using this manual trick. Technically, it will not divide PDF into multiple PDFs. It only creates a new PDF file from the existing PDF file. If you have only a few to split PDF files into multiple files, this might be a good option. However, the manual method has some limitations that users have to face.

Limitations of Manual Process to Divide Large PDF files on Mac

If you are dealing with only a few PDF files then you can use this method for splitting the file. But if you have bulk PDF files that are large-sized and you want to split them. Then the manual approach is not a good choice for the users. It is not said to be an effective and efficient solution to break large PDF into smaller files.

Below we have mentioned some major limitations of the manual technique to split PDF files into multiple on Mac,

  • It is a very lengthy and time-consuming process when dividing multiple large PDF files.
  • Users are not allowed to perform bulk splitting of PDF files at the same time.
  • It does not provide an option to save PDF attachments separately in a sub-folder.
  • Users must ensure to have good technical knowledge before performing manual steps.
  • There is no option to password protect the resultant PDF file in the manual method.

The manual procedure is not the best and optimum solution to separate large PDF into multiple files on Mac. To overcome these limitations, most of the users prefer an automated and advanced solution. A professional PDF Splitter Tool for Mac allows the users to split large-sized PDF files in bulk. A modern solution always saves lots of time and human effort by producing high data accuracy. It allows users to save PDF attachments separately and password protect the output PDF file.

You Can also check Online PDF Splitter Tools

An online PDF splitter tool can be useful at work or in education in a variety of situations. You can undo the merge PDF option using this tool if, for example, you combined PDF files together at some time and now require them to be independent PDF pages again. Perhaps you scanned numerous pages together to save time, but now you need to divide the document? It’s feasible with the help of a Split PDF tool. Whatever the cause, it’s useful to know that splitting PDFs or extracting the pages you need from a PDF can be done quickly and for free online.
The best thing about the Online PDF splitter is It is accessible by every platform weather it is Windows, Linux or Even MAC Operating system. You can use it anywhere and split your pdf files as much as you can.


In the above article, we have discussed various reasons and manual methods to split PDF files into multiple on Mac. We have also elaborated on some of the limitations that users have to face with the manual approach. It is suggested to the users to prefer an automated solution for quick and effective results. A professional and modern solution is reliable to use and delivers a smooth splitting process with high data accuracy.

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Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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