
10 Security tips for work from home professionals


If you or your employees are working from home due to Corona virus crises, you’ll need this advice to secure your enterprise. Until we find a cure for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the only best way to contain its spread is social distancing. Therefore, organizations are instructing their employees to work from home.

You might like working from home, or maybe you’re forced into it due to some crises but, either way, you don’t want your data and devices vulnerable to hackers. Below are some tips for securely working from home.

  1. Use the devices given by your company : Most workplace devices have the required security precautions and if your device have all, you’ll be a lot more secure.
  2. Passwords and second factors authorization : All your devices and web accounts, work or personal, should have password and 2 step authorization enabled if possible. Use a password manager so those passwords can be long and complex.
  3. Be Aware of Phishing :ÂHackers are capitalizing on the coronavirus pandemic to send emails that trick users into clicking on dangerous and malicious links, downloading infected files, or revealing important personal data to the attackers.
  4. Encrypt : If for some reason your drives are not encrypted, do that–now.
  5. Use a VPN : Best way to secure your data as it moves between your core systems and externally based employees is to deploy a VPN system. VPN provide an additional layer of security and Hide the user’s IP address, Encrypt data transfers in transit and mask the user’s location
  6. Reset default Wi-Fi router passwords : If you have an IT support team, take telephone guidance to secure home routers should become a first priority. You do not want your important data being subjected to man in the middle, data sniffing or any other form of cyber attack.
  7. Keep Your Software Updated :ÂMake sure all your software are updated and you have a reliable antivirus solution installed that provides protection from phishing, virus, malware, web protection, and always keep it updated.
  8. Lock down your browser :ÂBefore you start working on confidential work matters, strip down your extensions to only the ones you absolutely need and you can trust.
  9. Use of Cloud Services :ÂOne way to protect the end points is to ensure that confidential information is not stored locally. Sensitive data should be stored on cloud ( AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Dropbox etc. ) where possible, and employees should be encouraged to use cloud-based apps (such as Office 365 or G Suite).
  10. Keep your devices safe : Don’t leave devices in your car, and turn on any “find my device” features.

At the end of the day, the fight against cyber threats when working remotely is much like the fight against Corona Virus COVID-19: It’s a team effort. Share this post with your colleagues, and encourage them to adopt these cyber security basic practices to make sure you all stay safe from hackers while the coronavirus lockdown remains.

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Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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