
India to Launch CoronaVirus Tracker App CoWin-20

Indian Government is all set to launch an Corona virus tracker app for smartphones named “CoWin-20” to help users check if they have been in close contact with coronavirus infected people.


  • As per reports, CoWin-20 app will help the Indian government check travel history of individuals.
  • This app will be available for Google Android Play Store and Apple app store users.
  • CoWin-20 will also help users search Covid-19 tests centres near them.

The app is currently being on beta tested mode on both iOS and Android platform. CoWin-20 app will track user location and alert him if he is near a COVID-19 infected patient. A report from News18 noted that the beta version is limited to a select group of smartphone users right now.

CoWin-20 app will use user’s location data and Bluetooth to check if you’ve been near a COVID-19 infected person. App will determines that by looking through a database search of people who have been infected, as well as with one containing individuals’ travel history. The CoWin-20 app will also be able to tell you if you’re in an area with a high number of coronavirus infected cases.

Corona virus tracking app will asks for user’s permission to always access your location data, that might raise privacy concerns but it promises it to keep your data encrypted and limited to the device. App will only share your personal data with the health ministry of India only if you’ve tested positive for the disease.

Alongside tracking the user’s location to monitor the status of the community spread of coronavirus, an information poster shared of theCoWin-20 app by Niti Aayog states that the app can also be used to learn about the location of coronavirus testing labs as well as quarantine centres in across cities. Other features of the app will include automatic suggestions of government advisories and official safety recommendations by the Government of India. The app is soon going to launch in a few days after successful testing, and will be available across India. If you are looking to develop such application then you can contact app development agency.

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Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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