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Microsoft Teams hits 44 million users because of Corona Virus

Microsoft Teams – an collaborative communications tool surpasses around 44 million users all because of COVID-19 pandemic as remote working becomes the norm.

Microsoft announced on Thursday that Microsoft Teams, a real-time, collaborative communications tool for business has seen an unprecedented surge in usage in just one week since the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus as people are doing work from home. The collaborative communication team has reached 44 million active users.

Company reported 44 million users as of 18 March,2020, up from 32 million on 11 March. Jared Spataro, Microsoft 365 corporate vice president said, “COVID-19 has impacted the lives of people around the world, We believe it will be a turning point for the way people will work and learn.”

“It’s very clear that enabling remote work is more important than ever, and that it will continue to have lasting value beyond the COVID-19 outbreak. We are committed to building the tools that help organisations, teams, and individuals stay productive and connected even when they need to work apart.”

The company claimed that 93 of the Fortune 100 companies use Microsoft Teams and 650 organizations that had employ the teams have more than 10,000 plus users. Microsoft recently added some new features to Teams for its birthday. First one is a button that allows users to read messages while offline and a ‘raise hand’ option to ask their questions during  video meetings and another is the use artificial intelligence to minimize the background noise.

Although Microsoft Teams is now far ahead of the competition, but the tech giant isn’t the only one benefiting from the coronavirus outbreak. Rival platform Slack also announced that it added more than 7,000 new customers over the past seven weeks and unveiled a new redesign. Microsoft teams rivals are Zoom, Google’s G Suite and Slack.

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Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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