
What is RSS? Is RSS Still Beneficial?


The Internet is an informative source, as new content is added on various websites every day. And hence it becomes tough to keep up with the pace and to keep track of what’s happening online.

Hence, people try different methods, that includes visiting specific websites every day, or doing web searches, or relying on social media. However, there is one traditional way that is still relevant, and that is – The RSS feed.

What is RSS?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, it gives readers the method to keep up with their favorite blog, news, site and other websites. You can simply choose the site you wish to subscribe to and get updates about them at one centralized location.

Benefits of RSS

RSS feed can be helpful in various ways to a business, due to its falling popularity, people have yet to totally discover all the benefits of using it as their source of knowledge and medium to stay connected with the audience. For your convenience, we have listed down some amazing uses of the RSS feeds, which can convince you that RSS is still relevant like before and provides great assists in engaging audiences.

#1 A single room for all needed updates

We all know how difficult it is to keep updates related to websites or news in our day-to-day life. And this is where RSS feeds come to the rescue. You can get all the needed updates in one place from multiple sources. For relevancy, you can even categorize and subcategorize them. For example, you can set a category for news and keep all news-related updates in one place. In the same way you can create another category of top blogs & articles and group them together.

Hence, drive more traffic and engage visitors at the same time.

Additional tip: You can generate or get the RSS URL for popular bloggers and news sources then using a responsive RSS Widget; you can even embed RSS feeds on websites. Social media aggregator tools come in handy to collect RSS feeds and then display them on websites. With this measure, you can make your website informational and make it engaging for visitors. Moreover, your visitors can even get all the updates from the selected website. And engaging websites can help you attain more web traffic, and the opportunity increases as there is more audience on your website. And at the same time, your visitors can even get all the updates at one place. So it is a win-win situation.

#2 Avoids email stacking:

Another thing that people usually do in virtue of getting all the updates is that they subscribe to the newsletter; hence, their inbox gets overflow with emails. And we can agree that sometimes it becomes difficult to keep track of all the emails and also miss some important mails. Hence, RSS can rescue, with the help of RSS feature you can avoid spamming and Email overloading.

You can have all the information as per your requirement all at one place, and you can go through them whenever you need it. It saves the time and effort that goes into searching for relevant information.

#3 Captures Headlines:

Now we have established that reading and keeping track of each blog is time consuming and takes a lot of effort. People often just read headlines as it saves time, and if any headline interests them, they go through the whole article.

And with RSS feeds one can combine all the headlines and articles at one place. So users do not have to visit different websites in search of headlines and blogs. They can get all the headlines from their desired website at once and then go through them to collect the needed information. Saving efforts and time all at once.

Also, if users are collecting feeds from news websites, they can get a fair idea about recent happenings by going through the headlines.

#4 Easier reach to the audience:

If you have a knowledge-providing website and looking for an easier way to provide knowledge to your subscribers or visitors, then RSS feeds comes in handy for you as well.

Many businesses still rely on regular emails and newsletters to provide blogs or regular updates to their audience. This can consume a lot of time and often these emails go into spam mails, and fail to reach the users.

Now, with RSS feeds, your audience can easily read about the latest happenings and latest blogs of your websites. They can have an easy option and thus it can be effective.

#5 Connects even with non-users of Social media:

Although, social media has taken everyone by storm. People have adapted to this changing scenario and occasionally rely on social media for regular updates and news. But there are some percentages of people who haven’t used social media to such an extent. And for them, RSS feeds is a better way to collect needed information and stay up to date. As these feeds are easy to use, people find it more comfortable to use this as their source of knowledge.

Summing it up

RSS is still relevant and has its advantages, people often consider it outdated, but it still holds its importance in this digital age. Adding to the usage of RSS, embedding RSS feed on website is a smart move as it makes the website more catchy and informative and engaging.

What do you think?

Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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