
Web Development: Most Popular Java Framework in 2023

Web Development

Java has proven itself as the most used object-oriented and predominant programming language due to its manageable implementations and adaptable usability. It is perfect for ground-breaking software developments. Therefore, corporate IT sectors rely on Java and Java developers are demanded.

That said, Java also plays an essential role in the softwares we use daily, including Opera Mini, Spotify, and Twitter. Hence, if you are looking to set up your career in Java-related web development, learning its proper usage and staying informed with the recent ones is a must.

Therefore, to start immediately, Clickysoft, a web development company Houston, is introducing you to the most famous Java frameworks in 2023. This article will discuss the features, applications, and advantages of the following Java Frameworks:

  • Spring
  • Hibernate
  • Struts
  • GWT (Google Web Toolkit)
  • Wicket
  • Dropwizard
  • Play


Spring Framework is one of the most widespread Java frameworks. It is top-notch, extensively used, and lightweight software specifically built for software development, deployment, and design in Java. It also includes Java software application development extensions, mainly used in developing Web Applications. Hiring web developers will help you out how this framework can elevate your business flow.

Its features include web development, admin features, YAML support, application events, type-safe configuration, properties files, and SpringApplications.


The following are the benefits of Spring:

  • It can test the application along with backward compatibility.
  • It works with XML configurations.
  • It can establish JDBC connections and make applications with lesser error margins; hence, applications will be reliable.
  • It helps developers fire up Web Applications without needing the actual Web Server.


Hibernate is one of a few Frameworks which can extend Java’s persistence API support. It is an open-source, performance-oriented, extremely lightweight, and Object-Relational-Mapping tool.

It is a purpose-built Framework that simplifies application development via its unique features, such as HQL (Hibernate Query Language), Database interactivity, autogeneration, caching, and scalability.


Hibernate’s advantages include the following:

  • It is open-source and allows developers to carry out complex data with minimum coding.
  • It improves maintainability and productivity by reducing redundancy through JDBC API.
  • It has ORM, which allows communication between databases and applications by supporting persistence APIs.
  • Hibernate’s JPA implementation makes programming more efficient by enabling developers to write wapping in Java annotations.
  • It has a reactive feature that allows the developer to overlook JPA functionalities, making the framework suitable for reactive situations.
  • Hibernate has a Reverse Engineering Tool; it allows developers to generate domain model classes, JBoss seam applications, mapping files, and more.



Craig McClanahan from Apache Software Foundation created Apache Struts as open-source software designed to inherit the Java Servlet API properties to make the development process more manageable.

It is an open-source and free MVC framework for elegant and modern Java web applications. It has features like POJO-based actions, AJAX & integration support, configurable MVC components, theme & template support with tag support, and various result types.


Struts have the following advantages:

  • It simplifies developers’ life by reducing the overall development time and helping ease application management.
  • It also offers XML type of files for a centralized configuration.
  • It follows MVC-based application development with documentation based on active web developers.

GWT – Google Web Toolkit

GWT or Google Web Toolkit is popular among web developers at the beginning of their careers. It has a wide variety of libraries and tools used for JavaScript-based front-end application development.

This framework is aimed at developing robust web applications with highly functional UI. It has features such as a Simple RPC mechanism, browser history management, unit testing integration, reusable & dynamic UI components, and Java Debugging & internationalization support.

It also handles cross-browser issues developers face.


GWT has some significant advantages, as listed below:

  • It is developer-friendly, and you can use it with Eclipse IDE as a plugin for the more intuitive creation of web-based projects.
  • It supports a wide range of APIs and maintains complex JavaScripts.
  • It offers cross-browser portability and enables code reusability for typical web developments.
  • GWT works well on all browsing platforms.


Jonathan Locke developed Apache Wicket as a component-based application development framework. It is one of the latest Java Frameworks. It has various features, such as POJO-based actions, configurable MVC components, AJAX & integration support, different tag support & result types, and themes & template support.


Wicket has some key advantages, including the following:

  • Being based on JSP makes it more manageable for developers.
  • It follows a component-oriented structure and functions without complex XML files.
  • It is lightweight and quick.
  • It follows the Plain Old Java Object — POJO model.


The lightest and simplest Java Framework is Dropwizard. It enables developers to build Java Web Applications seamlessly. It is a framework for developing highly functional, RESTful, and operations-friendly web services.

Its significant features include Hibernate validator API with support for monitoring by the metrics library. SLF4J and Logback can do Dropwizard’s logging while it packages applications as a jar instead of a war file.


Dropwizard has some powerful advantages, including the following:

  • It allows the developers to prototype applications rapidly and supports the creation of MicroServices.
  • It is operations-friendly with the Quick Project BootStrap.
  • It supports external & open-source and has metrics library support which lets developers monitor data-driven operations securely.
  • It saves developers’ brainstorming time through rapid prototyping, giving them more time to create excellent web applications.
  • Bootstrap integration allows users to have ready-made code snippets for seamless front-end web development.
  • Dropwizard’s applications are packaged as JAR files instead of WAR files, making them more intuitive.


Play is the popular Java framework written with Scala Programming Language. It works well in mobile and web application development. It pursues MVC architecture with a compilation of Java-Bytecode, making it one of the most potent and robust frameworks.

It has several significant features, such as type-in safety, robust console & build tools, embedded testing tools, and IDE support for IntelliJ IDEA & Eclipse. It also offers a Hit refresh workflow function.


Play’s following advantages make it an excellent option:

  • It is highly fault-tolerant and flexible.
  • It sustains input-output non-blocking operations.
  • It assists developers in creating high-performance and functional applications. ‘
  • It works with the Convention over Configuration and Hot Coding approach.
  • Play can provide error messages, saving testing time.

Wrapping Up:

We hope that we have provided you with enough information about java, as mentioned above, web frameworks. You can now easily select one or a few of them if you are running a web development agency Houston, according to your requirements.

However, there are other Java frameworks that are not web development or full-stack frameworks but are helpful in other applications. Such as Junit and Selenium for testing and Log4j for logging.

The best framework for your website or application is the one that meets all your business needs, provides you with a certain level of flexibility and satisfactory performance, is easy to manage and maintain, and is open to new changes.

Make a wise decision while choosing your Java frameworks and enjoy the fantastic features.

What do you think?

Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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