
6 Things You Need to Know About Dot Net


Dot Net framework is a spectacular software framework that can help an organization develop powerful and reliable software very easily. Besides the software features lots of tools, languages, and technologies inside it. Additionally, the framework is very safe and reliable and can be used for developing web apps, mobile apps, games, etc. Overall it is a magnificent framework and is very popular among developers. So, today we are sharing with you six things that you need to know about the Dot Net framework.

It Was Not Open Source:

Dot Net framework came into existence in the year 1990 as Next Generation Windows Services. However, it was not an open-source and free-to-use framework till 2013. But in the year 2014 Microsoft made the Dot Net framework an open-source framework and gave its users freedom to distribute it and mold it as per their requirements. As a result, it quickly became a collaborative platform and many big companies begin to use it for developing applications for themselves. To learn about the framework in depth join the Dot Net Training in Noida.

It Is Compatible With Various Operating Systems:

Being a Microsoft product Dot Net was earlier compatible with only Windows OS. However, with the release of Dot Net Core Microsoft made the framework compatible with various platforms and OS. Today the framework is compatible with platforms like macOS, Linux, etc. Besides this, you can use the framework for the Internet of Things too.

Programming Languages:

Dot Net is a very big framework and contains almost 32 programming languages. The framework contains languages like C#, Visual Basic, Boo, Cobra, Sharp, etc. Additionally, you can also use the framework for developing both the frontend and backend of an application. For example, you can use ASP.NET for creating the backend and C# for creating the frontend of an application.

It Is More Secure Than Java:

Another important thing that you must know about the Dot Net framework is that it is more safe and reliable in comparison to Java. As per a study, the vulnerability density of the Dot Net framework is 27.2 whereas Java has a vulnerability density of 30.0. What does this mean? It means on average the number of defects in Java code can be more than the defects in a Dot Net code. Thus it is right to say that Dot Net is more safe and reliable than Java. This is the main reason behind the growing popularity of the framework and why many companies use it in their software/applications.

It Is Not Small:

Dot Net is a very big framework that features lots of tools, technologies, and programming languages. This is another big reason behind the popularity of the framework and why companies use it for developing software, quality assurance, and migration. Besides this, the framework is interoperable too. What does this mean? It means the framework is compatible with different hardware, platforms, operating environments, and languages. The framework has the following types of interoperability:

  • Com interop
  • Dot Net interop
  • P/Invoke

Overall Dot Net is a very big framework and contains lots of tools, technologies, and programming languages. To learn more about all the three types of interoperability join the Dot Net Training Institute in Delhi.

Popular Among Big Companies:

The framework is very popular among big companies and many companies use this framework for developing software and apps for themselves. Here are some companies that use the Dot Net framework in their organization:

  • Dell
  • Accenture
  • TCS,
  • HCL
  • Epic Systems, etc.

In simple words, the framework is very popular among big companies. So if you are an aspiring software engineer then you master this framework. This will not only help you in becoming a good software engineer but would also help you in opening doors to many employment opportunities. Amazing, right?


Dot Net is not a small standard framework that you can use to develop and run applications and software. It is a very big framework that contains various tools, programming languages, and technologies. Besides this, it is more secure than Java and is compatible with various types of OS, hardware, and platforms. Overall it is an amazing and very powerful framework and it is going to become even more bigger and powerful in the coming years.

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