
Use The COVID-19 Lockdown to Multiply Your Website Traffic

Multiply Website Traffic During Lockdown

Is your online sale taking a blow due to the COVID-19 lockdown? Are you finding out SEO/SMO reviews to find out how to reduce the drastic fall in organic traffic? Well, it is to be said that the online business across industries and sectors have taken a hit.

Many companies are not able to meet their online sales targets and because of the physical units being shut due to the lockdown their overall sales are also drastically reduced. But it is times like these that you have to evolve your online marketing strategies if you want to not only service this crash but bolster your online sales to the next level.

Making changes to your SEO/ SMO marketing strategies

There is no doubt that the coronavirus outbreak has made some companies crippled. But taking an optimistic viewpoint and checking the SEO/SMO reviews you can also see that some companies don’t seem to be quite that affected due to this global lockdown.

The fact is that they have changed their SEO and SMO techniques to makes sure that they are least affected due to the virus crisis.

Changing SEO/SMO techniques- What needs to be done?

The techniques mentioned below are in a general sense and apply to all industries that are affected due to the coronavirus crisis. Adopting these SEO/SMO reviews and strategies and integrating them with current techniques will not only help you sustain this lockdown but also help you to avoid such crashes in the future.

Here are 5 steps that you can introduce in your SEO techniques increase your web traffic-

1. Include a page for COVID 19

This page that you create should inform the customer updated on the important news. Focus more on informing the customers how you are providing your services during this lockdown. You should focus more on how you are adapting to the safety measures while providing services. Based on some Supple SEO/SMO reviews if you are an online medicine seller inform the customers on what safety precautions are being maintained in the company during manufacturing and the shipment process.

2. Search for new keywords

Generally, our lives have been limited to our homes mostly during this lockdown. So you need to change your keyword strategy and focus on including certain modifiers before the keyword. Focus on what problems are being faced by the people and take the help of Google Analytics and Google Trends to take hints. You can include modifiers to your keywords such as “from home”, “at home”, “from indoors”, “online” etc.

3. Focus on email marketing for 1v1 engagement

Based on a few SEO/SMO reviews the best way to keep contact with your customers on a 1v1 basis is to increase your email marketing. Provide the latest updates and how your organization is adapting to the new trends to provide customer support. Focus more on how you can provide customer support and help by including links, helpline numbers, etc. in your emails.

4. Make posts to prove your community support

On social media platforms, you have to provide engaging content on what steps you have taken or initiated to provide help and support to the needy in such desperate times. Make your social media posts using photos and videos that prove you are providing support to the poor people. Focus more on your corporate social responsibility. Include any of your charity donations in your posts.

5. Promote webinars and online consultation through social media

The highly engaging way to keep in touch with your customers during this lockdown is to make online webinars and online video consultation sessions. You can promote them on your social media platforms and using SMO techniques.


Turning an event to be favorable for you and the customers is a skill that will require you to make proper use of the SEO/SMO traffic without coming across as corporately callous. If you look at this lockdown from an optimistic evolving point of view your business will surely tide over this difficult phase. The techniques mentioned here are based on online SEO/SMO reviews.

What do you think?

Written by Abhishek Chauhan

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